Weekly update Jan. 24 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Jan. 24

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Literacy week, hip hop, and lunar new year!

This upcoming week is sure to be a busy one! Please see paper notices that were sent home on Friday for more information.

Key reminders:

– please bring white shirt, scark, mittens and hat so we can dress like snow people for our assembly presentation on Monday

-continue to send in books for book swap

-please send digital family photo or actual photo if you have not already done so (please please as this will be an important part of our upcoming exploration into our family studies and sharing activity)

-pajama and small stuffie day on Friday

A sneak peek into our room:

Morning choice: for the first 20 minutes every day students can participate is literacy activities. This was a fun activity where we “fished” for letters then practiced printing them.

Painting with coloured ice cubes!

We painted with coloured ice cubes just like some penguins did in the story “Penguins love Colour”.

Thanks for your support!😊


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