Weekly update: Dec. 16 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Dec. 16

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Happy holidays!

Thank you for all of your holiday wishes! I truly appreciate all of your support this term.  The students have grown in so many ways which are especially evident in their kindness to one another and dedication to learning activities.

From candy cane science experiments to buddy reading and sweater day to pancake breakfast, we enjoyed a fun filled week, but now we are all ready for some special time with our families.


You will notice that your child has brought home their extra clothing bag.  Please ensure that their clothing still fits them! You can return extra clothing (shirt, pants, socks, and underwear) on January 3.

Any work that they have brought home can stay at home.

Ms. Aujla has been very ill in December and has therefore not been able to read the report cards. Once she is feeling better she will have all of our report cards proofread and ready to hand out in January.

Enjoy these next two weeks with your little ones! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Looking forward to seeing you all again in 2023! xo Jennifer Capitanio


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