Sevish – Midnight Cascade

In Midnight Cascade, Sevish employs just intonation in tuning their instruments.

A just intonation tuning system is any tuning system that attempts to tune musical intervals as whole-number ratios. Such whole number ratios appear naturally in almost all sounds as the harmonic series, and when sounded, no beating is heard. That being said, attempting to create rigid tuning systems using the rules of the harmonic series doesn’t work as one would first expect, as music commonly requires more notes than just one harmonic series can provide. As such, just intonation tuning systems frequently sound just as, if not more, out of tune than standard twelve-tone equal temperament. However, if one is using a scale-free instrument like a trombone, voice, or any instrument of the violin family, they would naturally be inclined to play in what is called adaptive just intonation, which is basically what all just intonation tuning systems attempt to emulate.

– Nick Andreev