NT2A Microphone


Cost: $569


Type: Condenser Microphone

  • cardioid, figure 8 and omnidirectional pickup pattern

Frequency Response Curve:

Low pass filter

Peaks in higher ranges 

Pretty flat mic


3)  Sensitivity:-36.0dB 

Noise: 7dBA 


Recorded examples 

https://youtu.be/doI2CiolQa4 (polar pattern tone test, polar pattern 360 degree test, high pass filter test, distance/proximity effect test, plosive rejection test, keyboard background noise test, shockmount test, microphone tap test, untreated room/treated room test, music test)

https://youtu.be/bOkjF4upXZ8 (voice and guitar)

https://youtu.be/faV3fqqzQlg (comparing nt2a and nt1a and a CAD e100s)

https://youtu.be/gOAmTolCvO4 (comparing n2ta and neumann TLM 103


4) Common Uses

Vocals, acoustic guitar,