Jean Michel Jarre

Jean Michel Jarre is a French composer/musician who evolved electronic music, his heavy use of synthesizers gave him a distinct sound that gained him his popularity. His live shows perfectly blend with his music, containing lots of lasers fireworks and pyrotechnics.

Adam Neely

Adam Neely is a jazz musician with a youtube channel dedicated to all things music, he is classically trained and well versed in music theory. If you are interested in learning about more intricate specifics of music definitely check out some of his videos.

If you think you can’t sing, you’re scientifically wrong

Being asked “can you sing?” is probably pretty scary for most people, especially for beginner singers. But just as learning how to play any instrument, you also have to do the same for singing. If you’ve convinced yourself that you can’t sing, it’s just because you haven’t had the chance to properly train it as your idol has. And the best thing is that you can start practicing right away with the help of so many vocal teachers online.

If you’re not convinced, here’s a video explaining it in scientific terms.


ssgkobe is someone I’ve been listening to on SoundCloud for around a year.  In the past 6 months, he’s grown substantially, with multiple songs over 1 million streams.  He makes hip-hop/RnB music with unique & catchy vocal melodies, which is why I find him to stand out among the many SoundCloud artists that are around.

How to Layer Drums

I chose this video because I often use drum loops because I can’t play the drums so I found a video to spice up the drums while still using loops!

This video by Cradle Cat covers how to layer a drum loop to get a more interesting. dynamic sound with more movement. Cradle Cat uses Logic Pro X to demonstrate and show how to layer drums.

Learning basic piano chords in under 10 minutes!


I found that playing the piano can sometimes be super difficult if you have just started. But sometimes just learning some simple chords is a good start. These simple chords are also great to use for song writing!

Once you figure out how to play some simple chords, you would notice that it’ll get easier over time!

Just keep practicing!!

History of guitar Distortion

If your a guitar player you’ve most likely messed around with distortion. This video doesn’t really “teach” you anything but its cool to know how far we have come and too see the history of rock and roll.

I was trying to find videos on how distortion works but nobody actually explained how it works.