Cave Story – Last Battle

starting off with a haunting medieval feel with large bells and violin synths this piece quickly transforms into an intense high bpm banger with rapid swirling synths and a menacing tone. Halfway through the more classical side makes a return for a soft and enchanting interlude before heading straight back into the action.

DOOM Eternal – Gladiator Boss

This Aggressive fusion of heavy metal and electronic music is very in your face and acts like a sonic rollercoaster with pieces of the instrumental keeping constant tension by fading in and out of the mix giving way to more unsettling synths and noise elements.

Adam Neely

Adam Neely is a jazz musician with a youtube channel dedicated to all things music, he is classically trained and well versed in music theory. If you are interested in learning about more intricate specifics of music definitely check out some of his videos.

Mid-Air Thief

Mid-Air Thief is an artist I discovered through Spotify’s recommended system, I starting listening when their 2018 album “Crumbling” released. Though I had never heard of them they upon further research they are quite popular in their area of operation: South Korea. They have an album prior but the more recent one is of much better quality in my opinion.

Crumbling is a magical journey of an album with swirling bubbly synths, solid guitar leads and hauntingly smooth vocals, the language barrier is non-existent as the feeling is so strongly presented in the sea of sounds Mid-Air thief allows the listener to backstroke and float through. The album won “Best Dance and Electronic Album” at the 2019 Korean Music Awards.