Week Two: Idea, Work-Plan & Script

Mandatory Work ( Idea, Work-Plan & Script)

Week 2 Homework_ Idea, Work-Plan + Script

Bonus Work:  (Interviewing Practices)

Week 2 Bonus Homework_ Interviewing Practice


1. Research 101: A Manifesto for Ethical Research in the Downtown Eastside,” and it is a great resource for any students who want to do interviews with folks in the DTES, but also anyone who wants to interview disadvantaged folks in general.

2. “Blanketing the City,” Culture Shift plan from the City of Vancouver that Debra Sparrow brought up today, this is a podcast episode from Paige’s show ‘Below the Radar’ made earlier this year.They spoke with former Indigenous Arts and Culture Planner for the City of Vancouver Kamala Todd about the plan. Students can find the episode here: