


syudou is a Japanese Vocaloid producer, composer, singer who came to fame in 2019 with the single “Bitter Choco Decoration ”. He achieved further success in 2020 with “Usseewa”, a song he composed for Ado, a youtube singer. As of January 2022, he has 520k youtube subscribers. From January 2021, he started a radio talk show on youtube, through which he shared his history and personal views. From time to time, he invites guests to the show. His music has a unique “dark” flavor. His lyrics cover a lot of aspects of human nature and human emotions.


Bitter Choco Decoration




Radio show




Influenced by his family, syudou has cultivated a love for music. He formed a band with friends during his high school years but it was dismissed. During his university years, he kept writing music and sending samples to recording companies but they were never accepted. After he graduated, he started working full time while continuing to write music. He became a full time musician in 2020 when he became famous through youtube.



syudou has his own official website where he posts news about his work, his discography, and music videos. He also has a web store selling branded goods on his website. Other than being present in various social media platforms, he has his own official free app where he posts news, and special contents like 5-min audio clips, his own column, a photo gallery and so on.  


Official website



Artists like syudou work for themselves and enjoy freedom from contracts and  corporate activities. He can maintain his popularity as long as there are viewers and fans who support him. He also composes for other singers. Such collaborations can create a synergistic relationship.



syudou’s success is not from pure luck. It is, on the other hand, a clear proof of his creative talents and hard work. His earlier failures with recording companies were a result of marketing and corporate interests. Going on a platform like youtube has provided him a chance to bypass the commercialization of music to reach his target audience. This example of success is certainly repeatable for any talented and persevering artist.



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