We are going to look at what is a Paragraph, and use our hamburger paragraph to help us remember all the different parts of a paragraph in this video.
click here for the video

A paragraph is made up of a group of sentences.  A paragraph focuses on one topic.

Paragraph = topic sentence    +   supporting sentences    +    concluding sentence

The topic sentence is the first sentence, and it introduces the main topic of your paragraph. (It is the bun on the top of your hamburger.)
example: There are many reasons to be thankful at this time!

The supporting sentences are the middle sentences of your paragraph, and they are sentences that tell us more details and information about your topic. (These middle supporting sentences make up all the ingredients inside your hamburger.)
example: First of all, I am thankful that my whole family is safe and healthy together at home.  Also, I am thankful that we have more “family time” together at home, so we can enjoy meals together, play board games and go for walks in our neighbourhood.  Lastly, I am very thankful for all the dedicated doctors, nurses and essential service workers who work so hard everyday to keep us all healthy, safe and strong.  

The concluding sentence is the last sentence of your paragraph, and it summarizes or retells what your paragraph was about. (This last sentence is the same as the bun on the bottom of the hamburger.)
example:  I feel very lucky and grateful at this time!


You can try this now! – Write a paragraph with this topic:What I Am Thankful For!

Remember these important steps when writing!

step 1 – Brainstorm

– use only main/key words or phrases when brainstorming
– you can use this 4 square or make your own by folding a piece of paper into half lengthwise and then width wise

step 2 – Write your Paragraph

– remember to write full sentences for your topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence
– look at your brainstorm and make sure you use all your ideas on your 4-square
-you can write your paragraph on your own piece of paper from home or use this paragraph plan sheet or this other hamburger paragraph sheet.