What is a Paragraph?  

A paragraph is made up of a group of sentences.   A paragraph focuses on one topic

Paragraph =    topic sentence    +    supporting sentences    +    concluding sentence

Let’s take a look at this video.  It uses a “hamburger paragraph” to help us remember all the different parts of a paragraph.  click here for the video


You can try this now! – Write your own paragraph with this topic: “A Nature Walk in Your Neighbourhood”
-You can write it on your own paper at home or use this hamburger paragraph sheet  or this paragraph plan sheet.

Writing a Paragraph:

Paragraph =   topic sentence    +    supporting sentences     +    concluding sentence

The topic sentence is the first sentence, and it introduces the main topic of your paragraph. (It is the bun on the top of your hamburger.)
example: On my nature walk, I saw many beautiful things in my neighbourhood.

The supporting sentences are the middle sentences of your paragraph, and they are sentences that tell us more details and information about your topic. (These middle supporting sentences make up all the ingredients inside your hamburger.)
example: First of all, I saw many Spring flowers in my garden.  I saw yellow daffodils and purple heather with a bumble bee on it too!  (if you look very closely)



example: Then, I walked across the street near our ravine. I discovered salmonberry bushes with mini bright pink flowers . 



example: Lastly, I walked past my park at the end of street, and we crossed over the mini bridge to go back home.


The concluding sentence is the last sentence of your paragraph, and it summarizes or retells what your paragraph was about. (This last sentence is the same as the bun on the bottom of the hamburger.)
example: I love going for nature walks in my beautiful neighbourhood!