The Main Idea of a story tells us what happened (events).
The Main Idea of a story tells us what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Make a Prediction!   Your new book is called “Hula-Hoopin’ Queen”!  Before you read the story, can you make a prediction….What do you think this story is going to be about?

Try this now!
1.Read and listen to this story “Hula-Hoopin’ Queen” written by Thelma Godin, Illustrated by Vanessa Brantly-Newton, and read by Oprah Winfrey on Storyline Online. Enjoy this story!

2. What were the main ideas in this story? What important events happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story? Record your ideas on this Reading Log.

3. Record your thinking (your connections, questions, or feelings) about this story on the same reading log.

My Connection: When I heard this story, it reminded me of daughters and how they always love to play volleyball together.  No matter what time of day it was, or where we were at home or out and about, or even traveling, there’s always time and space to toss the volleyball for a few rounds with each other or make a couple of volleys.  When my oldest daughter broke her leg one year, it didn’t slow her down much. She still managed to play with her sister, while sitting on the living room floor!  While recovering, she continued to play every chance she could, because it always made her so happy just to be able to touch the ball.  Being happy and positive helped her recover a lot faster too, physically and social-emotionally! What is something that you love to do everyday  that always makes you happy, and brings you and your friends or family together?