The Main Idea of a story tells us what happened (events).
The Main Idea of a story tells us what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.
Take a look at these 4 photos. These are our favourite sandwiches in my home!
Make a Prediction! Can you guess what ingredients we used in each of our favourite sandwiches?


# 2

# 3

# 4
Try this now!
1.Read and listen to this story “Carla’s Sandwich” written by Debbie Herman and illustrated by Sheila Bailey on Storyline Online. Enjoy this story!
2. What were the main ideas in this story? What important events happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story? Record your ideas on this Reading Log.
3. Record your thinking (your connections, questions, or feelings) about this story on the same reading log.
My Connection: When I heard this story, it reminded me of my daughters’ favourite sandwiches. They have always both loved their food, but while growing up we had to cook and prepare very different sandwiches and dishes for them. It was extra work for us, as parents. One is a carnivore and loves all kinds of meat, and the other is mostly vegetarian, and won’t have any of her food touch meat on her plate! They are very different, but being different is what makes them very special and unique to us! Now they are able to make their own favourite foods, and help cook for us too! What’s your favourite sandwich or dish? What do you think makes you unique and special?
Here are the names of our favourite sandwiches!
#1. Egg, Tomato & Avocado Sandwich with salt and pepper
#2. Stuffed Hummus Baguette
#3. Grilled Vegan Cheese, Rosemary Ham Sandwich with Sundried Tomatoes and Roasted Artichokes
#4. Grilled Vegan Cheese Sandwich with roasted Marshmellows