Let’s now learn about the shapes that are in 3 dimensions, our solids not the flats.

Describing 3-D shapes

Shape Song

3- D Shapes Song

Drawing 3-D Shapes

Once you have drawn shapes you should colour! How many people remember this story? I still think it is funny and I have heard this story at least 20 times!

The Day the Crayons Quit

Hers is another story the author wrote. Have you seen this one before?

The Day the Crayons Came Home

Shape Quiz 2:

What am i?

It can roll any way that you push it?
It does not have a flat face.
It does not have any corners.
It does not have any edges.

It is a _________________

What am i?

It has two circular faces.
It does not have any corners.
It has two curved  edges.
It can roll on its curved surfaces

It is a _________________

What am i?

I have one point.
It can roll around my point.
It has one flat circular face.
It does not have any corners.
It has one curved edge.

It is a _________________

What am i?

It is good for building things?
It does not roll.
It has six flat square faces.
It has eight corners.
All 12 edges are the same length?

It is a _________________

Answers to 3 dimensional shapes.