One thing I will take away from this physical distancing and staying home is the appreciation of the plants growing in my yard. I started some experiments.  Some worked some were failures. I started with trying to grow an avocado seed. After 11 weeks this is what it looked like:

The Start and Finish of an Avocado Seed

So that was the failure. But this, “Can I grow things?” led to other tries; celery stalks. Can you grow them from the stalk you leave behind after you cut off the long stalks to eat?  Look below was it a success or failure?


Since I was going to be home for hours on end I thought I would revive my garden. I noticed potato volunteers.  Now I know what some of you are thinking, “Volunteer potatoes, what does that mean?” In years past I have planted potatoes and then harvested them in the fall. Any potatoes I miss during the harvest will grow the next year.  All the potatoes in my garden are from previous years, they have “volunteered” to grow.  I thought I had dug them all up but obviously not.

Below are some great books about plants. Have a read or listen to what they have to say.

Life of a Seed



Our Good Food

Dandelion Days

Garden Giants

I can eat a whole plant!