Learning more about 10 is important in math.  Making the number 10 quickly helps us when we get older.  We did our math game with cards to make 10.

Card Game

Memorizing the number pairs is a fun challenge. How quickly can you say the pairs?

Let’s sing our number pairs for 10!

Below are some fun videos about the number 10.

The Number of the Day

Story Bots Count to 10

The Number 10 Song

Do you remember doing  number graffiti in class?

Number Graffiti

Stories with numbers?  Do you have any story books around your house that have numbers? Maybe they are counting something or just using numbers.

Here is a riddle for you about a book you might have in your house.

  1. This book is a how to book. It tells you how to do things.
  2. You need to buy groceries in order to follow the instructions.
  3. when you are finished you hope it is delicious.
  4. What kind of book am I?


Books I have found with numbers.  You my have read some of these before. There is nothing like a book you know and love to read again!

Ten Butterflies

A Book of Riddles

Count Your Veggies