Ms Askew’s List for 2020 Covid Challenge

  1.  I started an ELL Blog with Ms Chang Joa.
  2. I am using Chaterpix, Mr young showed me this program.
  3. My iPad is being used to document my time at home.
  4. In the afternoons I hand pick dandelions before they turn to seed.
  5. My daughter showed me how to use Duolingo so I am learning German.
  6. It has been a long time since I played the guitar, so I am picking it up again now (fingers hurt).
  7. Karaoke! I found a station on my TV, for free.
  8.  I planted seeds in mini “green houses”. I always wanted to start pants from seeds.
  9. I saw a video on starting an avocado plant from a seed, so I am trying to grow an avocado from a seed.
  10. Although I have done this many times before, emptying the dishwasher, doing it with my daughter is new!
  11. When I go to pick dandelions I have noticed flowers blooming in my yard.
  12. As I walk my dog I am noticing the flower blooming on my street.
  13. My family in Winnipeg is sending me their science experiments, cool!
  14. In the evenings I am eating my supper on my deck with my family, we are usually too busy to sit down together.
  15. When I eat my lunch I see bees flying across my backyard from tree to tree, a rel bee highway.
  16. Walking in my back lane I saw salmon berries in my back yard, beautiful pink flowers.
  17. If you delete something by accident and there is no undo button try control z.
  18. I am reading a book for 60 minutes a day! I never do that much when I am teaching, only on vacation.
  19. My daughter is cooking me dinner and I am trying new food; quinoa and tofu.
  20. I am trying to grow celery, romaine lettuce and bok choy from the ends.
  21. I can share video links on my blog.
  22. I learned to edit my blog pages so I can fix my spelling mistakes and punctuation.
  23. I found two, new online resources.
  24. I am using Facebook to share with my cousins.
  25. I am having Zoom dinners with my family yin Winnipeg. They are not good at passing the potatoes.
  26. I have started lavender from clippings my neighbour let me get from her yard.
  27. i am playing card games from my childhood and sharing them on-line.
  28. In my email I made many folders to help keep myself organized.
  29. I discovered the read aloud feature in word under review, who knew!
  30. I explored Ms Chastko’s blog page and found the listening program!
  31. With dog grooming closed I am trimming my dog’s hair.
  32. I am trying to grow strawberries, carrots and onions.
  33. I am trying ot grow cilantro and oregano from a sprig.
  34. I am learning how to do FooGallery on my blog.
  35. I am loving the pictures I am getting from my students doing their activities.
  36. My favourite soup is a red lentil cauliflower. I’m going to make it every week until this is over.
  37. Tiny trees are growing in my lawn, I need to get rid of them!
  38. I planted my celery and bok choy into soil, I hope they survive.
  39. My dog is learning a new trick. She does it right about 50% of the time.
  40. This was the first year I bought winter tires, they are still on my car!
  41. I learned how productive I can be in the 5 minutes I am waiting to be let into a Zoom meeting.
  42. I received 3 transplants from a neighbour about 5 years ago. They have done so well I am transplanting them everywhere and it is working!
  43. I ma using excel more and now I can “merge and center” to make my charts look good!
  44. I can share and work from items in the cloud.
  45. Did you know Puffins share parenting 50/50 with the mom and the dad?
  46. I can’t grow avocados but I can grow, celery, bok choy, oregano  and lettuce from the stalk of old food! I am still waiting for my green onions to pop up!
  47. I did a Zoom lesson with kindergartens and grade 1s!
  48. I can still see my best friends and physical distance. Thank goodness for big spaces outside!
  49. I can ride my bike to school and get up both hills without stopping or breathing too hard.
  50. I finished my list of 50 one week early!

June will be an interesting month. Some of you will be back at school and some of you will still be learning from home. Regardless of where you are the rules still apply:

  1. Wash your hands often and vigorously.  Proper technique.
  2. DON’T touch your face. Song
  3. Try to stay 6 feet apart. At school this may require patience to wait your turn. Stay inside if you can