Mindset Monday

Hello lovelies 🙂 Welcome to another Monday. Not just any other Monday because I will see some of you for the first time in over 2 months! I hope you are excited to come back. I know I am looking forward to being back in the classroom.

Today’s post is called ‘Mindset Monday’ because I want us to be thinking about, well…our thinking. That’s a funny thing to say isn’t it? Well, thinking about our thinking is called metacognition and it is something that can really help us in school, and in life. We’ll talk more about this over the next few weeks but for today I want you to think about the word EFFORT.

#1 Put the word EFFORT in the middle of a page (maybe draw a circle or cloud around it). Then, really think about this word and what it means to you. Is it important? Why? How might you explain it to someone else?

#2 Find a way to illustrate to someone an example of what various levels of effort might look like. (hint: think about when I ask you to fully colour something, or when I want a certain amount written)

Your journal topic for today is: Write about a time when you had to do something hard. Explain in detail what it was. Consider the following: What did you do? What were you thinking? How did you feel? What ended up happening?

Your Math for today is:

#1 Start at 2 and add 3 each time until you get to 20. What do you notice about the numbers you have written down?

#2 What is my pattern rule? (written like this: start at___ and __________ each time.)

a) 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23
b) 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160
c) 35, 33, 31, 29, 27, 25
d) 25, 50, 75, 100, 125, 150

#3 The hungry caterpillar ate 1 strawberry on Monday, 2 strawberries on Tuesday, and 3 strawberries on Wednesday. If this pattern continues, how many strawberries will he have eaten by the end of Sunday?

#4 If you looked out the window and saw 10 legs, what could you have seen? (try to think of more than one answer)

Check Epic books for newly assigned books. (don’t forget the quiz after you read “A Donkey Reads”

Art – optional How to draw a dragonfly. Click How-to-draw-a-dragonfly-pdf-218

Have a fantastic day everyone! Stay positive:)

33 Replies to “Mindset Monday”

  1. One time that I had to something had to do something hard was the MACC test. I felt overwhelmed and kind of scared. I was thinking about whether I would pass or fail. I ended up failing. (I know this is really short )

  2. 2. A: you start at 3 than you add 4 until 23.
    2. B: you start at 5 and times it by 2 until 160.
    2. C: you start at 35 and minus 2 until 25.
    2. D: start at 25 and add 25 until 150

  3. Hi Mrs.Armstrong,
    (2)The first one is four ,the second one is five, third one is 2, the fourth one is 25.
    (3)The hungry caterpillar ate28 strawberries .
    (4)A sulufigid is a bug with 10 legs(I did some research about this bug that is also how I know about it).

  4. Math:
    1. 2+3 =5+3 =8 +3 =11+3=14 +3=17 +3=20
    2. a) +4. b) 5+5=10 +10 =20. c) – 2. d) +25
    3. 7 strawberries
    4. I could have seen 5 people or a person with 2 dogs

  5. #2.
    a. start at 3 and add 4 each time
    b. start at 5 and multiply 2 each time
    c. start at 35 and subtract 2 each time
    d. start at 25 and add 25 each time

  6. #1 2, 5 , 8 ,11 , 14 , 17 , 20

    A. Start at 3 and add 4 each time.
    B. Start at 5 and add 5 each time.
    C. Start at 35 and subtract 2 each time.
    D.Start at 25 and add 25 each time.

    The hungry caterpillar ate 28 strawberries until the end of Sunday


  7. Journal

    One time when I was playing soccer I could not score a third goal because there was one
    person as goalkeeper and one person was waiting at the post right next to the goalkeeper. He was waiting for me to shot so he could score, another person was saying don’t hog the ball he and there were five people guarding me. I felt really upset because they were wanting me to just shoot, they did not care for me to get my third goal,
    when the bell was going to ring I scored my third, I was happy when I scored.

  8. 1) that you are skip counting by 3
    2)One you have to start with a number lets do 5 five so then you have to add 5 each time
    3)28 strawberry
    4) you could see a camel spider

  9. For example effort is when your teacher tells you to colour something and you scribble it really fast. That is not effort. If you colour it nicely then you are making an effort. In school you wont to make an effort on your work.

    The hard thing that I had to do was learn how to swim butterfly. It was hard because I had the kick with my legs together and I couldn’t split them apart! That wasn’t the hardest part. We had to swing our arms up and to the side. I still have trouble with it! It is a hard stroke.

    The caterpillar ate 7 strawberry’s on Sunday.

    Start at 3 and then add 4 each time. Start at 5 and then creep adding the numbers up. Start at 35 then minis 2 each time. Start at 25 then add 25 each time.

    There could be five people. There could be five cats or five dogs. There could be two cats and three dogs or the other way there could be a spider and a person or most insects and a person.

  10. Once there was a soccer game is was one of the hardest games of my life. My team was called the Dominators and my cousin’s team was called the Lighting. Lighting had lots of good players. In the first half it was very hard match but the team was losing 3-0 I was very upset. On my team all my players were horrible but me and Oliver was the best. In the second half it was 6 on 1 all my team was not helping so it was tricky so I had to do hard moves to get passed them and I scored and the score was 3-1. On number 2 someone helped Oliver so Oliver passed it to me and I scored and that one my and Oliver did a lot of passing and I scored it the goalie tripped me it was going to be a penalty but it rolled in. Number 3 I didn’t want to be a ball hog so I passed it to Oliver and he scored and it was 3-3. It was the last minute and I had tiny bit energy the other team almost scored but I used my energy to score the golden goal after the game I won MVP and my cousin said good game and all of that and then me and my cousin went for lunch

  11. There was a time that could not open a a jam bottle. I tried and tried but I still could not open it so I went to my mom. Then I asked for help but she could not open it so I asked my dad. Then he opened it. There was a time my parents could not open a bottle of jam so they put it under hot water.

  12. Last year, In my old school, I was told to do this project all by myself. It was on sparrows and I needed to draw and label pictures. I was told to do it on by own while other kids in my class did it with their friend. But it was really hard. I had to keep going back and forward to to the computer lab to research. But then I found out I needed to put in more effort in my work. So I found out that and going back and forward to research wasn’t so hard after all. That is what happens when you put effort in your work.

  13. When I started to learn how to cycle, even though I fell a lot of times, but I kept on trying. I didn’t give up. Slowly I began to cycle my own. First, I cycled in the school ground. I was scared to cycle on the road because I thought a car might come and hit me. I decided to be brave and I cycled in the back alley. I injured my self a few times. I felt better after my injuries and cycled every day. I was confident enough to cycle with my dad on the road.

  14. Journal writing
    A hard thing i did was learn a new language Arabic.I had put so much effort and i felt good to learn a new language in the end i had learned Arabic fluently and if you knew that i had a pretty big book of lot’s of vocabularies in it a little bit of quizzes and sometimes we have tests on stories and a lot of question to answer.And i keep practicing with my mom and try learning more vocabulary.

  15. Math
    1.2,5,8,11,14,17 and 20.I have noticed from the numbers that i wrote have a pattern of even and odd and it continues.
    a)starts at 3 and adds 4 each time
    b)starts at 5 and multiplies by 2 each time
    c)starts at 35 and minuses 2 each time
    d)starts at 25 and adds 25 each time
    3.at the end of Sunday the caterpillar ate 28 strawberries.
    4.5 people walking together,2 cats and 2 snails,and 2 dogs and a bird.

  16. I saw two dogs and one human.
    I saw one cat and three humans.
    I saw five humans.
    I saw one ant one bee.
    I saw one cats one dog and two humans.
    I saw one ant and two humans.
    I saw one bee and one dog and one human.
    I saw one bee and one cat and one human.

  17. Level of effort
    Question: when a teacher asks you to colour neatly
    Level one: scribbling
    Level two: many white spots
    Level three: one colour
    Level four: Many colours
    Level five: shading

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