Wonderful Wednesday

First of all, I want to let you know that I have been going to the school to plan for the upcoming weeks when students start arriving. This is actually a complicated job because there are so many different things to think about. We need to make sure everyone stays safe. Because of this, I am not able to get to your posts and emails very quickly. Also, I want to apologize for not responding to all your posts. Please know that I have read them.

OK. Back to Wonderful Wednesday. Today I want you to think of something wonderful that has happened to you in the last year. This could be something that happened at home, at school, or as part of a group/team you are in. This can be really short because this is not your journal topic for today 🙂

JOURNAL: What is something that makes you WONDERFUL? Explain.
– Remember to check for capitals, periods, complete sentences. This is important whether you use a pencil or choose to type it out. I’m checking closely 🙂

ART: Nature Name – If you can, go outside and collect a variety of items from nature, and use them to write your name. Be careful not to pick flowers and ask permission if you are not sure what you can use. These are similar to our portraits we did with leaves, twigs, pebbles, etc.
You can choose to glue them on paper if they are small and light enough, or you could make it outside just loose on the ground. Either way, take a picture and send it to me.

Measurement part 1 – Scavenger hunt
Take a piece of string, a shoelace, or dental floss, or…? Measure the length of 1 arm. Take this string (the length of your arm) and try to find objects in, and around, your house that are the same length.

Measurement part 2:
A while back we learned that there were 10 mm in 1 cm. So, if we have something that is 5 cm, it would be 50 mm because we need to multiply the cm by 10 to find the mm.
Your task – Find 10 things in your house to measure with cm and convert each into mm

Timestables – Time yourself doing your 8’s. I didn’t get very many times for the 7’s but I know some of you are getting pretty fast!

Good luck today and remember, I am at the school so I might not be able to answer you very fast. I will try to check as often as I can.

38 Replies to “Wonderful Wednesday”

  1. The thing that makes me feel wonderful is build LEGO because I can make things that are cool and that makes me feel good about myself. Another reason that LEGO makes me feel wonderful is that I built a LEGO robot and it took me almost an hour to make it and it was very fun because you can build anything that you want to build. I think the best reason that it makes ,e feel wonderful is that I am really good at it so that makes me feel wonderful about myself.

    1. I made a mistake
      The correction: The thing that makes me feel wonderful is (building) LEGO
      because I can make things that are cool and that (make) me feel good.

  2. What makes me wonderful?

    Well I would say that something makes me wonderful is that whenever I am around animals, I am literally a totally different person. For example, when I am around horses, I am way calmer, and I feel like I am in a totally different world. I guess you could say that you can’t see that sort of Lauryn in me sometimes because you need to believe it. I can be wonderful in any way like doing something I love to do. When I am playing with my friends and they are arguing with me, I feel terrible, but the other way around when we are not arguing I feel wonderful! Also, something that makes me wonderful is my surroundings. I am wonderful when everyone and everything is calm and not obnoxious. Anyone can be wonderful in any way.


    1. It’s funny how we can be different and feel different around certain things. I like your last sentence. You are right!

  3. I think what makes me wonderful is just being myself. I think this because if the question is asking ME then whatever I do that I like is wonderful. One thing that I think makes me wonderful is my ability to cook. The reason I think this is because I can cook dinner all by myself! That is what I think makes me awesome.

    1. Being able to cook dinner at your age is pretty wonderful. You are right. Being yourself is wonderful!

  4. Hi Mrs.Armstrong,
    The first time I did my timetables of 8 my time was 41.11 seconds.
    The second time I did my times tables of 8 my time was 31.31 seconds
    The third time I did it, my time was 21.39 seconds.

  5. Wonderful things!!!!!

    One time in the summer I was going on a trip to California I went to see my ant and uncle and also my cousin’s. I went to Disney land and Universal studio’s it was really fun!!!!

  6. Journal writing
    the few things that make me happy are that i have a family,that i have 2 siblings and they are safe from the virus that is in whole world and i am glad that the virus here is getting less because their is less people passing away so i am glad anyway because my family is healthy and safe.

  7. When my hockey teem was loosing all of our games by a lot we ended up winning the hockey banner!

    My personality makes me wonderful because I can be funny. I can be awkward, thoughtful and I am a special person. We are all special in our own ways. I am wonderful because my brothers birthday is on Saturday so I made the best of what I had and I made him a cool looking sword. I spent almost the whole day to make it. I have made him a sword before. I have also made him a lot of different daggers before. So that makes me wonderful, kind and caring. (If you want I can send you a picture if the sword.)

  8. Wonderful thing that happened to me last year was that right this day i came to Canada May 27’th we came here because it is safer than the country i came from.Here my parents have like no stress and also where i came from wasn’t like Canada here is clean there is grass fresh air , pure and their is peace here but in Lebanon the are smelled like garbage and every where was dirty and there is a lot of homelessness there and is no peace there it’s like their is war all the time that is why we came here so i really like it here and i want to stay here actually so i don’t have to be seperated from the friend i made.This is what i’m wonderful of.

  9. What makes me wonderful is that I am friendly. I am friendly to people like my friends and family I am not nice to people who are rude to me. I am happy all the time, especially when I win or get 100% or A+ on my work. I’m always caring like to my sister and other kids. I am always competitive when it comes to sports. I am always curious sometimes my Dad answers it or I do it myself. My Dad says that I am fun and funny he says that I am fun to play with like in soccer or basketball and that I have good jokes. es

  10. Heater 70.cm

    Head phones 50.cm

    Book 190.cm

    Water bottle 210.cm

    Toy truck 70.cm

    Piece of paper 220.cm

    Lead 50.cm

    Radio 120.cm

    Picture 300.cm

    Shorts 120.cm

    Flag 300.cm

  11. My Wonderful year of 2019
    2019 is my wonderful year. I had two new teachers, Ms. Armstrong and Mr. Wu, and my new classmates. In 2019 I love the new maleficent mistress of evil movie started in October 18. The happiest thing is there were new buses of 95 b-line on December. I found a friend named Adriano and we both like to take buses (also like RapidBus later on). That’s a year without Covid-19.

  12. Journal

    I’m wonderful because I teach my brother A,B,C and he listens to me and that makes me a big brother now. I make sure every occasion,I make cards for my family and it makes me wonderful that they appreciate it. I am also wonderful because I help in school with stocking chairs and clean the tables. Another thing why I’m wonderful is,I help my grandma in carrying the groceries and she gave me thumbs up.Lastly, I’m wonderful because our big family is complete now,we’re all here in Canada.

  13. Something wonderful that happens to me in the past is that TODAY I had a music lesson and I did very good and that was WONDERFUL the teacher was very proud of me! And another thing that also happened that was wonderful is that I helped my mom a lot and it made me so happy because she has a hurt hand so she was very proud

  14. For journal something that makes me wonderful is when I’m nice, caring,and helpful I like to do those things to make people around me happy and also to make myself happy that’s my journal for today.

  15. Things that I found in my house that are the same size as my arm: my brother’s stuffy, arm of a couch, two shelves, my pillow and handle of my dishwasher. They are 560 mm. They are also 56 cm and 22 inches.

    1. Wow Logan. You have done a lot of hunting for things the size of your arm! Way to go. I like how you included inches in there.

  16. Charlotte’s Web book is 90 mm.
    Computer is 650 mm.
    Fridge is 800 mm.
    Door is 2005 mm.
    I am 1300 mm.
    Mom’s arm is 700 mm.

  17. Math measurement part 2

    1. Remote control 24 cm x 10 = 240 mm

    2. Tablet 21 cm x 10 = 210 mm

    3. Freezer 83.5 x 10 = 835 mm

    4. Microwave 28.3 x 10 = 283 mm

    5. World map 28 x 10 = 280 mm

    6. Cabinet 106 x 10 = 1060 mm

    7. Fish tank 51 cm x 10 cm = 510 mm

    8. TV 88 x 10 = 880 mm

    9. Spoon 17.2 x 10 = 172

    10. Tissues 28.8x 10 = 288

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