Motivational Monday.

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you had a great weekend. I fell off my bike again and scraped my knee but it wasn’t too bad. I was trying to ride between two trees and my handlebars hit one of the trees and I fell off. It was actually kind of funny 🙂 I wasn’t going fast enough to hurt myself badly.

I named this post Motivational Monday because I want you to think of a time when you had to get yourself, or someone else, motivated to do something. What did you say? Did it help? TO DO: make a poster, or a sign, with a motivational message. Keep your words short and add a burst of colour. If possible, put it in your window for people to see when they are passing by. Send me a picture.

In connection with this, here is your journal topic for today:

‘Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard’. What do you think this statement means? Remember to send me your writing either on this post, or on Teams, or by email.

For Math, I want to have a little, friendly competition with your 7 timestable. Write out the numbers 1-10 and then time yourself as you multiply by 7. Send me your best time out of 3 tries. Who will be the fastest?

Here are some word problems for you as well:
1) Chef Crazy was making his famous bug pie. His recipe called for 41 black ants, 52 beetles, 29 worms, 27 red ants, and 16 flies to make one batch. How many bugs did he use all together? How many would he need for 2 batches?

2) Uncle Chapeau arrived at my birthday party wearing 479 hats. He tries to get through the front door but couldn’t, so he removed 128 hats. He tried again, but still couldn’t make it through. He took off another 237 hats and just squeezed through. How many hats did he take off? How many did he make it through the door wearing?

3) I had 722 marbles ready for the big marble show. I had a hole in my pocket and lost 302 of them. I need 400 to enter the show. Will I have enough to enter?

4) The CN Tower is 553 m tall. The Empire State Building is 380 m tall. How much taller is the CN Tower than the Empire State Building?

5) The telephone was invented in 1876. About how many years ago was that?

Remember to check Epic and Khan Academy if you have time and want more to do.

31 Replies to “Motivational Monday.”

  1. 1. He has 159 bugs in total and he needs 32 bugs to make two batches.
    2. He made it in the door with 114 hats and he took of 365 hats.
    3. He will have enough marbles to enter the show.

      1. Dear Ms. Armstrong happy birthday can you do 3 wishes by wrubing your lamp. What do you wish for by wrubing the lamp? Then you say I wish got it? This is your present cake eraser ✏️. So have fun by your lamp until the genie ‍♂️ comes out.

        To Ms. Armstrong love Eric.

  2. To me I think it means Hard work beats talent. For example if you are not the smart in the class you just need to work hard. Here is a story once when I was like 6 or 7 I wasn’t the best at soccer. When the game was over we lost. When I got home I was sitting on the stairs in my old house. My Dad said “ it is O.K. to lose and it is O.K. if you are not good at soccer you just need to practice.’’ Then me and my Dad practiced we had a net with targets and a big field. We practiced and practiced and it was getting dark we played a game and my Dad said “if you get the ball through the target I will get you a chocolate’’ and I got it in. After dinner I got my award chocolate. Me and my Dad played every day. Nest week was the game it was a hard team and by working everyday my team won. Very quickly I was the best on my team.

  3. #1 Chef crazy used 165 bugs in total. For two batches he would need 330 bugs together.
    #2 Uncle chapeau took off 365 hats in total and came in wearing 114 hats.
    #3 Yes, you will have enough to enter the show.
    #4 The CN tower is 173 m taller then the Empire state building.

  4. Hi Mrs. Armstrong ,
    (1)Chef crazyUsed 165 bugs for one batch and needs 330 bugs for two batches.
    (2) He took off 365 hats and they were still 114 on his head.
    (3) Yes She /him Will still be able to go to the show
    (4) The CN Tower is 173m taller than the Empire State Building.
    (5) The telephone with me 144 years ago.

  5. The statement hard work is not talent means even when you have a talent you still have to work hard because if you don’t work hard then you might not be able to do it again and if you can’t do it again then you will not have that talent any more. This is when talent doesn’t work hard: this random guy has a talent of holding two buckets on his head. Then he stoped doing it because he was so good at it so when he tried to do it again he could not do it because he didn’t do it in a long time.

  6. Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. I think it means because you are not something now, it does not necessarily mean you cannot be that something.

  7. Math
    1. 165 for batch 1 and 330 all together
    2. He took of 365 hats and went in with 144 hats
    3. You will have 420 marbles and you can enter the show
    4. 173m. less than the CN Tower
    5. 144 years ago

  8. I think this statement means that it is better to work hard then to be born with good talents. I think this because if you are born with a talent there is no point in learning. Next, you will not learn that you have to push hard to get good. That is why I think that it is better to work hard instead of just being born with the talents.

  9. 1. He has 155 bugs and 310 for two batches.
    2. He took off 365 hats and he made 114.
    3. Yes he can go through and has 420 marbles
    4. 173 m tall
    5. 144 years

  10. Math
    1.Chef Crazy needs 165 bugs all together and he needs 330 bugs to make 2 batches.
    2.Uncle Chapeau took off 365 hats and went trough with 114 hats.
    3.The answer is 420 so it is enough to enter the show.
    4.The CN building is 173 m taller than the State building.
    5.A telephone was invented 144 years ago.

  11. I. He has 159 bugs and total and he needs 32 to make two batches.
    II. He made with 114 of and he took of 365 hats.
    III. He will have enough marbles to enter the play.

  12. If you have talent but you don’t have hard work,then you might lose some of your talent. A musician has talent but doesn’t have hard work, he or she won’t be able to get better at music. Talent and hard work go hand in hand. Talent can not beat hard work because sometimes people are just showing of thier proudness. Talent gives you a head start and hard work finishes the race. Talent is never enough because in of the most cases hard work always leads talent in the long run because just having talent does not do anything. Most people are not very talented but they are hard working. Just because you have talent does not mean that you can go on the field and be the star of the team.

    1. I’m very sorry Sarah. I have been at school getting things ready for next week. You know it is OK to do the work whenever you can. I’m totally fine with you spending time on your poster. Remember, we said you just needed to try to do 3 journals per week so if you missed this one, just try to do the next one.

  13. I am sorry that I didn’t do the journal yesterday. I was busy working on my poster because I didn’t know when it was due because you didn’t answer my question.

  14. My family got me motivated into riding my bike and I thanked them for motivating me into riding my bike. And it really helped because I new how to ride my bike! I was very happy until it broke,yup,my bike broke but I’m going to get a new bike,YAY! I hope you’re ok because you fell your bike!

    The other time I got motivated is when I started working out with my older brother and before that I was really lazy to do push ups and workout stuff so I saw my brother working out and I decided to start working out with him.And I was happy it was fun

  15. For math my first try I got was 12 seconds my second try I got 20 seconds my third try I got 18 seconds and my best score was 12 seconds YAY!

  16. 1 Chef crazy used 165 bugs in total. For two batches he would need 330 bugs
    2 Uncle chapeau took off 365 hats and came in wearing 114 hats
    3 yes he will have enough to enter the marble show
    4 CN tower is 173 m tall then the Empire State Building

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