October 15-18

This week included many engaging activities, including…

  • a delightfully disgusting science experiment to study digestion.  We broke, crushed, mushed, and strained graham crackers to simulate the digestion process.  Using a bit of water to represent saliva, vinegar to imitate stomach acids, and nylon hose to replicate the effects of the small and large intestines, we were all both engaged and grossed out by the end of the experiment!     
  • a fun and frustrating game in Restorative Justice.  Students were tasked with creating the tallest towers possible using only the shoes of the members of their groups.  This activity was meant to encourage communication in the face of frustration, and allowed for good discussion on listening.
  • two elections: one to practice the voting process, in which we voted on the colour of betta fish we will have (green won!), and the other for Student Vote Canada.  The results of our class’ election are required to remain confidential until after the official election night, this Monday, October 21.  Check out the reporting of results from the 2015 Student Vote:
  • plenty of time for art!  We worked on a lot of art projects this week to build up to the Created By Kids art fundraiser.  We never seemed to have enough time to finish our creations, so the fundraiser art project has been assigned to be finished this weekend.  If you are interested in ordering your child’s art in the form of greeting cards, mugs, or magnets, please return the form (with the art on the back) by Monday.  Thank you!

Our class is registered for Take Me Outside Day, next Wednesday, October 23.  This is a cross-Canada effort to get kids exploring and learning outside.  The challenge is to spend at least 1 hour of class time learning outdoors.  The weather looks to be rainy, but since Glenwood already practices a West Coast recess, we should be prepared!  Please remember appropriate clothing and footwear.  (If it is pouring unbearably, we will stay inside, but we should be prepared for some sprinkling!)  Read more, if you wish, at https://takemeoutside.ca/.

Next Friday, October 25 is a provincial Professional Development Day, so there will be no school for students.

Have a wonderful weekend!

4 thoughts on “October 15-18

  • Ho wow seems like kids got to know about digestive system with the practical illustration.
    I am sure kids will enjoy the weather and nature on their “take me out day”.
    Thank you ms . Anderson for sharing the whole week activities of kids.

  • Thank you so much, Miss Anderson. The kids learned so much. I think Betty now knows how to take care of her stomach!

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