September 23-27

Another full and exciting week!

This week we worked on setting our Strength and Challenge goals for Term 1.  We are planning to build on our strengths and interests, in addition to the skills that we need more support in.  Our goals are now hanging as leaves to help us “branch out” in our classroom.  

We explored our likes and dislikes in French, including our favourite colours and activities.

We continued pattern work in Math, beginning to use expressions to explain pattern rules.

We began our study of Canada by looking at maps of North America and Canada.  We will be studying political systems and mapping, and so created our own invented lands to parallel our understanding of the country we live in.  We also delved deep into discussion on decision-making models (ie: autocratic, democratic, or consensus).

Today, we spent some time outside to do some forest research.  We each had to find something in nature that matched a unique paint swatch colour, reflected on the sounds we heard outside, and spent some time working on observational drawing.  I am excited to see how we can grow in our observational skills as scientists with more practice this year!  

Next Monday is Orange Shirt Day.  This date is held to recognize the harm done to children through the residential school system.  This is a heavy and important matter, and one that you may wish to discuss further at home.  If you are looking for more information about Orange Shirt Day, or on residential schools, please see some of the following websites:   


Thanks for another fun week, Division 2!

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