April 26-29, 2022

Bonjour tout le monde!

Last week, we used games and hands-on work to build our understanding of fractions. We used Cuisenaire rods to measure, and completed spacial-awareness puzzles to familiarize ourselves with the materials. We noticed how two halves make a whole, and two quarters equal one half! We explored the many ways to represent different fractions and equivalent fractions.

In Science, we started our unit on biodiversity! Students began researching with Mme Dias in the library, using physical books an online encyclopedias to look up animal group terms. We learned about qualities shared by living things, and sorted living and non-living things. We took our learning outside to make observations in nature and to reacquaint ourselves with our garden bin. The bulbs we planted in the fall have grown into fabulously bright flowers!

In French, we practiced reading stamina and writing. We listened to more chapters of The Wild Robot and made notes on new characters and important events. Students wrote reading comprehension responses for an Earth Day prompt, and wrote their own short stories.

This week, we will be planting seeds for our class garden, hoping for sunny days!

Please remember to complete the take-home student conference and return the reflection form by next Monday, May 9. Thank you so much for taking time to discuss with your child.

Please see the May newsletter. I will also be sending home paper copies tomorrow: Brantford Division 9 Newsletter – May

I hope your week has started off well! Eid Mubarak to those celebrating!


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