April 19-22, 2022

Hello Division 9 families,

This week, we pushed ourselves to fully wrap up our Science unit on landforms. Students have now all completed their flipbooks, papier mâché islands, and labelled maps! I am proud of how hard the class has been working on these projects, and am excited for them to share their learning with you. I am excited as well to begin our biodiversity unit next week!

We have been reading Robot sauvage / The Wild Robot, and exciting things are happening in the story. We have begun tracking the characters and the lessons that they teach the main character, Roz, as she discovers more about the animals and the island.

In Math, we worked in our math journals on representing fractions. We have learned that the parts of a fraction must be divided into equal parts, what a numerator and a denominator represent, and how we can use words, numbers, and pictures to explain fractions. We also played math games to review some of the skills we have learned this year – students will be bringing home one of these games to share with you for student-led conferences

We practiced a lot of spoken French this week, with stringing together sentences with our words of the week. Students were excited to tell me short stories using as many dictée words as they could.

Starting next week, students will be bringing home work for take-home student-led conferences. This format allows for you to spend some quality time reflecting with your child on their learning so far this year. In class, your child has chosen key pieces of work to highlight their learning. This work will be sent home in a portfolio collection. Some of the work may stay home, as we have finished the units; other materials (such as work within writing or math journals, class library books, or math manipulatives) should be returned. As you look through each piece, ask your child to share a little bit about the work. I will be sending home student work, math manipulatives, and a classroom library book along with a reflection sheet for you to complete and return. Please see a pdf version of this document here: Student-Led Conferences AprilMay 2022

If you would like to set up a meeting with me, I would be glad to arrange a time. Please send me an email to mairi.anderson@burnabyschools.ca if you would like to meet via video call or in the classroom.

In our class meeting on Friday, we discussed that we should not be bringing money or stuffed animals to school, as these can be lost, stolen or broken. Please remind your child to keep their money and/or toys at home for safekeeping. Thank you!

There will be no school for students this Monday, April 25, as it is a professional development day for staff.

I hope you have a fantastic, sunny weekend! Take care.

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