April 11-14, 2022

Hello families,

Happy Easter to all those who celebrate. I hope you have a very pleasant long weekend!

This week, we finally completed our papier mâché islands, and made maps to explain the geography. We painted  the islands, and will be drawing and colouring maps. We will use cardinal directions and landforms vocabulary, and visual-spatial skills to translate the three-dimensional sculptures into two-dimensional maps. We also studied plateaus, plains, oceans and islands to finish up our landforms flipbooks. Wild animals (printed on paper) have started visiting our classroom… just in time for our biodiversity unit to start! Students have been excited to see the new additions each morning, as more and more West Coast creatures have snuck in overnight.

In Math, we used our division skills to better understand what fractions are. We divided numbers into even groups and shapes into equal parts.

We practiced reading and learned how to use a dictionary or encyclopedia with collaboration time with Ms. Dias in the Library. Students were competitive when trying to find the mystery words in French-English dictionaries!

We practiced our sound of the week using “sound boxes” and counting syllables.

There will be no school tomorrow, Friday, April 15th or Monday, April 18th for the Easter long weekend. Enjoy this time with your families! Take care!


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