April 4-8, 2022

Hello families of Division 9!

We are into the swing of Spring after our second week of Term 3.

In Math, we have begun practicing time concepts, to better understand the relationships between units of time (seconds, minutes, hours, etc.). Although telling time is not expected at the Grade 3 level, we practiced reading a clock to help us with this understanding. We noticed how a clock divides the minutes of an hour into groups of 5, and how this relates to what we have learned about division. Next week, we will apply our division skills to begin studying fractions.

In Science, we are hard at work to wrap up our landforms unit! We finally began papier mâché islands, and students were very excited to design their landscapes using at least three of the landforms we have studied. Many students also chose to collaborate with peers by putting their pieces together like a puzzle to build a larger island. Next week, we will paint our papier mâché and create maps to label the islands. We will also complete the final pages of our landforms flipbooks, which have stretched the class’s research skills and shown our strengths as readers. Bravo, Division 9!

Robot sauvage par Peter Brown | Jeunesse | Romans 6-10 ans | Leslibraires.caI have started a read-aloud novel study of Robot sauvage, the French translation of the charming book The Wild Robot.This story wonderfully complements our science units, both landforms and the upcoming biodiversity unit and I hope students enjoy Roz the robot’s adventures on the island.

On Friday afternoon, we were lucky to be treated to an arcade, homemade by Division 1! The Grade 6/7 students have designed and created arcade games as an ADST project. They invited us to test out their games and even win prizes.

Thank you so much for all of your support at home, with reading journals and homework choice boards! Daily reading practice truly does help build literacy skills enormously, and your support at home means so much. I will be making new reading journals for those students who have misplaced them. Thank you!

Have a wonderful weekend!


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