March 7-11, 2022

Hello all,

Here we are, already at spring break! Term 2 flew by for us in Division 9! We will be continuing our learning on landforms after spring break before beginning an exciting unit on biodiversity. We have grown as mathematicians in learning about multiplication and division, and honed our skills as researchers with reading and note-taking skills in Social Studies and in Science. I am very proud of all of the students in Division 9, and I hope that you are too!

For math this week, we had practice and final quizzes for multiplication and division. I am encouraged to see that all students were able to complete these with success.

For writing, we wrote short postcards to our classmates. Students each drew a name of a classmate, then designed their own post cards of the beautiful place we get to live. They wrote encouraging messages of support and I will be sending these post cards over the break!

We practiced our dictée words with letter tiles, working on the sounds “em” and “om”.

In Science, we finally got to writing our notes about mountains on our mountain paintings! I had hoped to create papier mâché islands before the break, but this fun project will have to wait! We will be finishing up our landforms unit in the first weeks back.

Social Studies, we learned about the Indigenous peoples of the Plains and Plateau regions. I was very impressed with students’ improvement in note-taking skills, and how they have grown in their abilities to find key information in  a paragraph. By reading articles and searching for key words, the class has been able to find information about the languages, food, clothing, transportation, shelter, and music and art of five Indigenous cultural groups across Canada. The sixth group we have yet to study, and will be doing a focused unit on the peoples of the Northwest Coast in Term 3.




This week during snack time, we watched the following Everyday Speech videos and discussed what it means to be a good sport. If you wish, try out the activities as well! We are practicing these skills every day during recess – important learning happens in free play.

I hope you all have an absolutely splendid spring break! Take care, and we will see you again on Monday, March 28th for the first day back.

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