February 14-18, 2022

Bonjour tout le monde,

I hope you have had a good week and are looking forward to the Family Day long weekend!

We read several books and had discussions on the many different ways a family can be. We read My Family, Your Family, Families Can, and Une famille c’est une famille. Students had beautiful understanding of the diversity of families and brainstormed great ideas about what family makes them think of. We worked on associative-word poetry for Family Day, and we will need another period or two to finish our work. The class’s ideas and drawings are so lovely!

In Math, we reviewed some “magic” in the times table, by looking at the patterns we saw emerge as we uncovered the numbers using this site: Interactive Times Table . What patterns can you find? We also learned a trick for multiples of 9 using our fingers:

In Science, we learned about volcanoes! We learned how volcanoes form and what causes them to erupt. We painted our own and wrote about what we learned on the back. Each week, we will learn about a different landform or two, paint them and add a page to a flipbook of landform facts.

We worked on reading stamina and reading comprehension with two evaluations and one-on-one reading.

In Phys. Ed., we explored more movements and stretches with the gymnastics equipment. Next week, students will work on creating their own routines.

Thank you for all you do to support your children in their learning, and for helping to keep our school safe! I hope you have a marvelous long weekend, and look forward to more activities with Division 9 on Tuesday.

Please note, next Friday, February 25th is a Professional Development Day; there will be no school for students. 

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