February 7-11, 2022

Happy sunny Friday!

This week Division 9 practiced many skills!

In Math we learned about the multiplication table. We noticed that two rows of five is the same product as five rows of two! We explored the relationships between numbers and how the products represent the number of squares used. Students learned a game using number cards in which they must find multiplication sentences to win cards as points. Students also created and/or solved their own multiplication “crossword” puzzles.    Our class is really grasping multiplication concepts and it is so exciting to see this learning in action!

We worked on hearing the differences between our sounds of the week (next week’s words will be even more challenging!) using “sound boxes” and other writing activities.

We read stories and worked on sequencing based on the key events. We circulated around the room to write adjectives to describe a variety of settings and characters. This vocabulary-building activity should help us to add greater description to our narrative writing.

In Social Studies, we learned about the Eastern Woodlands Indigenous peoples, including the Haudenosaunee, Mi’kmaq, Ojibwe and Wendat (Huron) peoples. As in previous weeks, students made predictions about technologies, observed the geography of the region in photos and maps, and read about the cultural elements. Did you know that the game of lacrosse was invented by the people of the Eastern Woodlands? One of the technologies we learned about was the lacrosse stick, and we saw photos of how it has evolved over time. We also watched this video about the first lacrosse game:

Thanks to today’s sunshine, we took our learning outside to practice our understanding of the cardinal directions and review landforms vocabulary. We labelled the landforms on an imaginary island map and determined relative positions using North, East, South and West.

Valentine’s Day is on Monday, and students are welcome to bring cards (homemade or store bought) to deliver to their classmates if they wish; however, we ask that treats/goodies/toys not be given as this can cause quite a bit of disruption to learning. Thank you for your understanding.

We will be making paper mâché islands as part of our landforms unit in Science, so we are gathering old newspapers and cardboard of all shapes and sizes. Please send newspaper or cardboard to school if you have any that would otherwise be recycled. Thank you!

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

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