January 31-February 4, 2022

Bonjour tout le monde,

This week in Math we worked on multiplication word problems using pictures to support our understanding. We added drawings to pictures to make “groups of” and to explain the story of math.

In Science, we learned and practiced landform vocabulary. We played a “I have.. Who has..?” game with cards showing pictures of various landforms (mountains, glaciers, peninsulas, and many more!). We will be making many art projects to go along with landforms learning, including building islands in paper mâché. If you have newspapers or cardboard (flat, tubes, egg cartons, etc.) to recycle, please send it to school and we will use it to make our islands!

In Social Studies, we reviewed our learning about Indigenous peoples of the Arctic and Subarctic using books from the library. Students worked independently or in partners to find information from the books to add to our bulletin board. They also added colour to a map of Canada to show the territories of both regions.

As well, to assess students’ current understanding of about the world’s geography, I asked the class to draw, write or colour on a map of the world we had had on the board for last term’s culture unit, and it was so fun to see the map come together with animals and place names! They referenced books and the globe to confirm place names, but had many other ideas on their own. Division 9 already knows a lot about the world!

Happy Lunar New Year! To celebrate the Year of the Tiger, we learned how to write the Chinese character Fu, or fortune. We made decorations to hang in our classroom upside down, for the luck to pour out. We also practiced many art skills and vocabulary with a painting and oil pastel project. We mixed primary colours to make the secondary colour orange, we added black to red to make a shade, we used form, texture, and line to bring our artworks together. I think our class is a very talented group of artists!

Please remember to send your child to school with a mask, and an extra in their backpack. Thank you for your support.

I hope you are all enjoying the sunshine this weekend!

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