January 24-28, 2022

Bonjour les familles,

This week was another full week of learning in Division 9!

We used letter tiles again to practice our dictée words, this time mixing up the letters to make “mystery words” for a partner to unscramble.

In Math, we made art! We painted colourful cityscapes, then stamped in skyscraper windows in rows and columns, followed by writing the multiplication sentences to explain how many windows each building had. We also used skip counting and repeated addition to find the products of multiplication problems.

In Social Studies, we learned about Indigenous peoples of the subarctic region. This region includes the Dene, Cree, Ojibwa, Atikamekw, Innu and Beothuk peoples. Students read articles and books to find information on culture, made more predictions on technology. Did you know that Jolly Jumpers were invented by an Ojibwe mother, Olivia Poole, inspired by cradle boards?

To begin our Science unit on landforms, I asked the class to make predictions on how wind, water and ice can shape the land. We went outside in the sunshine to make observations on the schoolgrounds. We noted that the land slopes down towards the base of a large cedar tree, and I asked them to predict how the channels could have been formed by the rain.

We practiced logging into Je Lis for reading, and each student received their login information for school district accounts, Je Lis, Lalilo, Boukili, and IXL.com. Passwords were taped into student agendas – if you have any trouble accessing these sites at home, please let me know.

I hope you are enjoying a fabulous weekend!



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