January 17-21, 2022

Hello families!

I am so impressed with the enthusiasm and responsibility shown by Division 9 students this week. They continue to remember their masks, complete their tasks, and are learning and growing in their social responsibilities.

This week in Math we did some final review for addition and subtraction with a short quiz on Monday and a “write the room” spy challenge on Tuesday. As secret agents, students were each assigned different addition and subtraction problems to solve which were hidden around the classroom. They proved their skills! On Wednesday, we jumped into learning about multiplication concepts by observing examples of arrays (rows and columns). On Thursday, we built upon our prior knowledge of patterns to create mask-holder necklaces using multiples. Each student decided upon a bead pattern, then multiplied that pattern as many times as they liked. Every student was able to tell me their pattern in a multiplication sentence, using the necklace as a guide. Bravo, les élèves!

In Social Studies, we began a unit on the six main cultural groups of Indigenous peoples in Canada. We spent this week reading about the Arctic people, the Inuit. We also watched a television show at lunch times called “Molly of Denali“. We made predictions about Inuit technologies based on prior knowledge, and learned about the geography of the region, aspects of Inuit culture, and governance and family structure. We will continue this learning over the next 5 (or so) weeks to learn about the peoples of the subarctic, Eastern forests, Plains, Plateau and North-West coast.

For grammar work this week, we practiced switching singular and plural forms of nouns and articles with another “write the room” activity. We practiced our words of the week using letter tiles too!

Thank you for your patience with me as I have taken longer than anticipated to send home student passwords. I have not yet been able to verify student emails and logins, and hope to be able to send these home next week! We will be practicing logging into our accounts in class so that students are able to work online at home if they choose (or if it should ever become necessary). We have accounts for several reading programs (Je Lis, Lalilo and Boukili) and IXL Math. I know many students are already familiar with these sites!

Thank you as always for your continued support to keep our school healthy and safe! Have a wonderful, sunshine-filled weekend!

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