Hello everyone!

Please see the weekly update from the hardworking students of Division 9!
We were writing up a storm these past weeks to complete our culture flipbooks, and were able to assemble them all today! Students have written about what aspects of culture are shared or different from one another, and what makes their family cultures unique. Their hard work deserves celebration!
Inspired by the detailed kitchen drawings of Au 10, Rue Des Jardins, we drew, coloured and painted our own kitchens for the class cookbook. Students then added drawings of the ingredients onto the recipes.
Thank you again for sharing such wonderful and special recipes! I am looking forward to trying them all over Winter Break.
In Math, we worked on subtraction of two-digit numbers and on solving equations with unknown numbers. We practiced with different levels of difficulty for subtracting regrouping (borrowing), for two- to four-digit numbers.
I challenged the class to solve brain teasers like the one on the left, using their logic skills and creative thinking! Then, I asked them to create their own brain teasers to challenge me or other classmates.
We had our final two Scientifiques de la semaine share their exciting experiments this week! Thanks to their efforts, we had an introduction to rotational energy with the Milk Carton Water Wheel and particle diffusion with the Mystery Scents experiment. Students will be bringing home their collections of experiment notes next week!
The Grade 7 leaders have planned for next Tuesday to be Twin Tuesday dess-up day. Students can dress in similar outfits to one or more friends. There is also an “ugly holiday sweater” drawing competition with submissions due on Wednesday. On Friday, we will be celebrating our learning and hard work with a movie party in the afternoon! Students are also welcome to wear their pyjamas for the ever-popular pyjama day!
Next Friday, December 17th will be our last day of school before Winter Break. Interim reports will be sent home, along with student work from Term 1, on Thursday, December 16th. If you are able, please send reusable bag (or paper or plastic) with your child to help them carry home their artwork. Thank you so much!
Have a wonderful weekend!