November 22-25, 2021


Firstly, please see below for important upcoming dates:

Entrepreneur Fair:
Next Friday, December 3rd, our class will visit the Entrepreneur Fair hosted by Divisions 2 and 3. The Grade 6/7 students have created businesses and will be selling their homemade items for $1-$5. Cash will not be accepted, only pre-purchased tickets. Tickets are available through School Cash online and ticket sales end on Monday, November 29th. If you would like your child to participate, please purchase your tickets by Monday.

Here is a brochure of the students’ businesses:

Jingle Bell Walk:
Thank you to those who have volunteered to walk with our class to deliver flyers for the Jingle Bell Walk! Due to the heavy rains, this walk was postponed to Monday, November 29th. We will be delivering flyers with jingle bells on our shoes first thing in the morning. Please remember to send your child in weather-appropriate clothing and boots. Thank you!

AU 10, RUE DES JARDINS: SALA,FELICITA: 9782366243420: Books - Amazon.caCook Book:
We are working on a special project and need your help!  As a final project for our Social Studies unit on culture, we will be making a class recipe book.  To help out at home, please work with your child to select a recipe that is special to your family. It can be an appetizer, main dish, drink, or dessert. It is important that it’s significant to your family, but it does not need to be fancy or traditional. Think about special foods that you eat during holidays, favorite weeknight dinners, or a recipe that represents your culture or heritage.

Please fill out the template (sent by email) or on paper (sent home in agendas). Alternatively, send a photo or photocopy of the recipe, as well as the reason why it is special to your family. The work may be completed in your home language and/or English and/or French. We will be taking some time in class to translate into French if needed. Please try to send me your recipes by Friday, December 3rd.

AU 10, RUE DES JARDINS, 2018 - felicita salaThis recipe book project is inspired by the book Au 10, Rue des jardins, or in English What’s Cooking at 10 Garden Street, by Felicita Sala. It is a charming book with both a story and a collection of recipes. Take a look at a few of the pages here: Au 10 Rue Des Jardins We will be writing and illustrating our own version: À la salle 108, École Brantford.

I am asking for a minimum of one recipe per child, but if you are having a hard time deciding with just one, the maximum is two recipes per student.

Now, here is a summary of our week:

In Math, we practiced 2- and 3-digit addition with regrouping. We learned to start at the ones, and to carry the tens and hundreds into the next position. We are quickly becoming addition experts! On Tuesday, we practiced with a game called “Get to 100!” where each player starts at 0 points, and tosses two dice to make a number to add. The goal is to get as close to 100 as possible without going over.

On Tuesday, we were fortunate to listen in to an author talk with David Alexander Robertson, the 2021 recipient of the Writers’ Union of Canada Freedom to Read Award. He is the author of When We Were Alone and On the Trapline.He read On the Trapline to us before we signed off to begin Writer’s Workshop (L’atelier d’histoire), using loose parts to dream up stories before writing them down.

We had three more fabulous Scientifique de la semaine presentations, through which we learned about surface tension and water density with the Rain Cloud in a Jar, Floating Needle and Sink or Swim experiments. Bravo, les scientifiques!

We began our culture flipbooks this week, with plenty of reflection and writing! We brainstormed and wrote a paragraph to describe our class culture before working on our own paragraphs as individuals. We brainstormed and wrote about language, beliefs and clothing this week. Next week, we will aim to work on art and music, food, traditions and celebrations. For our class-wide book, we will also reflect on how rules are part of culture too!

Thank you for all of your support at home with our projects at school! Truly, all your efforts are very appreciated! Thank you for encouraging your child to wear their mask at school, and for sending them with clean masks every day. We are working on keeping track of masks so that fewer are lost throughout the day. Please ensure that your child has an extra in their backpack in case one is soiled or lost. Thank you, very much.

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