October 18-21, 2021


Tomorrow is a provincial Professional Development Day for staff. There will be no school for students.

In Math this week we worked on representing numbers in expanded form and with Base 10 blocks. We rolled dice to pick four digit numbers and then used folded paper to stretch out the numbers into their expanded forms.

Our first Scientifique de la Semaine shared her presentation of Magic Milk with us on Wednesday. She did a fantastic job of being prepared and sharing her experiment with the class. Bravo! The rest of the class made predictions,Examples of Matter observations, and conclusions as to why the food colouring “ran away” from the soap-soaked Q-tip. We also began learning about matter by completing a “matter vs. non-matter” sort and by writing our own lists, once we learned that “matter” is anything that has mass and takes up space – did you know that a raincloud is matter, but a rainbow is not?

For writing, we reflected on what emotions we feel in the different Zones of Regulation, and posed for photos expressing these emotions. With a student’s birthday coming up this weekend, we wrote a celebratory book of all the reasons he is special!

For grammar work, students have been practicing identifying nouns and punctuation. Every morning, we start with a sentence on the board, which students are asked to unscramble before identifying the parts of speech. They are becoming comfortable with the routine and accurate with their work.


In Art, we completed gorgeous self-portraits! We read a book called Our Skin: A First Conversation About Race . This book explains that every person has a unique skin tone, and that all are beautiful. The book explains the idea that some skin colours are better is called racism. We had a short but meaningful discussion about how this idea is wrong, and that everyone deserves to be safe, included, and respected. Around their portraits, students drew pictures to represent their interests. We used our colour theory skills to mix the right paint to match our skin tones, hair, eyes, and favourite colours.

Next Thursday, October 28th, Division 4 and 7 are hosting a jack-o-lantern contest. They will be 3 categories: the silliest pumpkin, the scariest pumpkin and the most creative pumpkin. Any inappropriate pumpkins or painted (instead of carved) pumpkins will be disqualified. They will be due on the 28th of October at 8:50am. All pumpkins will be displayed in the haunted house hosted by Division 1 on Friday!

Next Friday, October 29th, Brantford students are invited to wear their Halloween costumes to school, if they wish. Please remember that costumes must be respectful and safe. No weapons are allowed (even if they are plastic). Please remember that costumes that might mock people for their race, culture, religion, gender or trauma are not appropriate to wear.

I am looking forward to seeing the fun costumes and jack-o-lanterns in the classroom and around the school!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that students enjoy the day off school tomorrow!


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