October 12-15, 2021

Bonjour! Happy rainy Friday.

This week in Math we continued work on understanding place value. We practiced using Base 10 blocks and with questions from the Grade 3 Chenelière textbook.

We wrote reflections of gratitude in our journals, read together and read on our own, and played games to practice words with the sound “ch”. One new game is called “Quel dommage!” and is played with a die and playing pieces (any small material will do!). Students took their practice sheets home to review for this Friday’s dictée. You may play at home, if you wish!

We refreshed our memories from Grades 1 and 2 about the Zones of Regulation. The class was familiar with the Zones, and students were able to tell me the feelings they associate with the Blue Zone, Red, Yellow, and Green Zones. I reminded them that all of the feelings are allowed and that none are “bad” feelings (sometimes it makes sense to be sad or angry), but that for learning, the best Zone to be in is when we are feeling calm and focused in the Green Zone. We will be learning strategies to help us get into the Green Zone and will be practicing self-regulation throughout the year. You may support your child with this learning by:

  • reinforcing this language (ie: “This is really frustrating me and go into the Yellow Zone. I need to use a tool to calm down. I will take some deep breaths.”)
  • helping your child to gain awareness of his or her feelings by pointing out your observations.
  • talking about what zone is “expected” in the situation.
  • helping your child to become comfortable using the language to communicate feelings and needs.

You may read more about the theories behind the Zones here: Zones of Regulation

 In Social Studies, we are gently beginning our unit on culture by learning what exactly “culture” means! We started with a Venn diagram of likes and dislikes with a partner, then used the same diagram to compare the “class cultures” of Mme Slobodnick’s Grade 2 class and Mme Anderson’s Grade 3 class. The idea with this comparison is to learn that culture is not only clothing and food, but also the rules we have, what art and activities we do, who has power to make decisions, and more!

In Science, we reviewed what students know about the states of matter by having a bit of fun with balloons! One was filled with air (gas), another with water (liquid) and a third with ice (solid). We observed how the balloons moved (or did not, in the case of ice) and what happened when they were popped! We also chose our experiments for Scientist of the Week! Students were given options of experiments to practice at home and prepare to share with the class. Please refer to the letter sent home on Thursday for more information. Please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or concerns! I am able to loan materials or change the presentation schedule if needed.

On Friday, we began drawing self-portraits! They are only in the sketch stage right now, but I already know that they are going to be fabulous!

Next Friday, October 22 is a provincial professional development day. There will be no school for students.

Take care this weekend!

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