October 4-8, 2021

Bonjour les familles de la Division 9!

Here is one impressive ant castle!

What a full week! In Math, we were busy at work wrapping up our study of patterns, and are starting up our unit on place value. We had a quiz on patterns on Tuesday. On Wednesday, students were challenged to imagine “ant castles” using Base 10 blocks. Afterwards, they were asked to deconstruct their castles to count up how many blocks they were worth. Each flat piece represents 100, each stick represents 10, and each small block represents a single unit. We will try this again next week!

For our words of the week, we focused on the sound “on”. We brainstormed all the words we could think of with the sound “on” and learned a new song: Léon le caméléon (featuring our past sound of the week, “é”, and this week’s sound).

We worked on goal setting for our writing this week. We picked one-word goals to help focus ourselves for Term 1, and wrote in our journals the reasons why we chose our words, and actions we can take to achieve them. Some of the goals were: organisé, gentillesse, bon frère, or hockey. We will aim to check in on these goals throughout the term to measure our progress.

On Thursday, students tried out a science experiment using food colouring and water… however, the results were not as expected – that happens sometimes! Students made predictions as to what would happen when strips of paper were connected between three beakers with water and food colouring. However, not much happened! We made observations of the subtle changes, and concluded that the paper did not absorb as much colour as we expected. Next week, we will try another experiment before determining our projects for Scientifique de la semaine!

On Tuesday, students were given reading logs (Le carnet a bord de lecture) to record their at-home reading. Please encourage your child to read each evening and write one sentence explaining what they have read, then return the log the first day back after the weekend. Thank you!

For Art this week we learned about colour theory and how to mix all the colours of the rainbow using only the primary colours. We learned about the artist Alma Thomas and viewed her bright and colourful paintings before attempting our own! Each child was given the same palette of red, yellow, blue and white paints, but the artworks they created are remarkably unique!

You may notice the fence near the primary playground has a growing collection of feathers. Students from each class in the school have or will be adding their artwork and written reflections on our learning about residential schools. As classes finish their work, there will be more and more feathers, orange shirts, and hearts added to the fence.

I hope you have a wonderful long weekend and are able to enjoy some family time safely and healthily. Happy Thanksgiving!


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