Upate: May 14

Hello all!

I hope you are having a great day.

This is just a short notice on two things:

  1. There is a typo on the Decimal Numbers on Number Lines worksheet (Math 6.1). There are only 8 segments on the number line for the first question, instead of 10! Please draw in your own lines to divide up the sections. 
  2. Monday, May 18 is Victoria Day, so there will be no class meeting. I will post our weekly assignments on Tuesday morning, and we will still have our Wednesday class meeting. If you are regularly scheduled for phone conversations on Mondays, I will call you on Friday instead! However, if you have any questions or would like to talk earlier, please let me know and we can arrange a time.

Thanks for all of your hard work, Divison 2! You are seriously the best.

You are the best thing since sliced bead (With images) | Southern ...

2 thoughts on “Upate: May 14

  • Thank you so much for the lovely surprise letter I received in my mail box today. Hetal and Sonam, I very much appreciated the lovely words and photo:)
    It truly was my pleasure chatting with you and your classmates.
    In return I thank you all for doing your part in keeping yourselves and your families healthy and safe.
    Happy May Long Weekend Everyone

    • I am glad that Sonam and Hetal’s letter reached you. Thank you for sharing your knowledge so generously! I hope you have a wonderful long weekend. Stay safe and well!

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