Q&A on COVID-19

Hello Division 2!

As mentioned in a post a few weeks ago, Reyhan’s mother, Shairose, has generously offered to share her knowledge on COVID-19, as a nurse in ER.  Since there is so much information going around it can be overwhelming, she offered to do a video call Q&A to answer any students’ or parents’ questions.  A survey was sent out a few weeks ago to gather questions so that she could prepare.  Please tune in to the the Microsoft Teams meeting tomorrow morning at 11:00 am to learn more about the coronavirus and how we can best protect ourselves and others from it. We will follow the same practice as for class meetings, with students’ microphones and videos turned off unless necessary. That way, we can focus on the presenter and minimize distractions.

Invitations to the meeting will be sent out to student school accounts, and parents and siblings are welcome to join in on the call as well.

Follow this link to join the meeting: Q&A Meeting

Stay safe, everyone!

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