April 6-9 – Introduction to Weekly Assignments and Team Meetings

Weekly Assignments Chart – April 6-9

Hello!  Good morning, and welcome to our first official week of distance learning.

I am looking forward to connecting with students later this morning, for our first Teams Meeting video call at 11:00. 

Please make sure that you have been able to log into your student email accounts.  To do this, go to https://portal.office.com and sign in using your email address (pupil#@edu.burnabyschools.ca) and your password (the same as the password you use to log into school computers).  I have sent log-ins and passwords to the parents’ emails on file.

I have sent an email invitation to our Teams Meeting.  Shortly before 11:00, open that email and click on the invitation to enter the meeting.  Accepting the invitation will delete the email, but add the Meeting as an event on your calendar in Office 365.  Click on your calendar if you are unable to join from your email invitation.  If you are connecting to Teams from a tablet or desktop computer, it may be different than a laptop – we are testing this out and trouble-shooting this week, so if it does not work for you this first try, let me know and we will try to resolve it this week!

Please read the Burnaby School District’s Code of Conduct: https://burnabyschools.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/CodeOfConduct_revised-fall-2016.pdf.  It is the shared responsibility of students, staff, parents/guardians and the broader community to demonstrate positive conduct while attending any school or District related activity, at any location.  That means that even though we are continuing learning from home, you have the responsibility as Glenwood students to support learning, promote safety, respect property, environment, personal space and privacy, and to model courtesy, compassion and respect online and offline.

Our assignments for this week are in four categories: Math, Literacy, Physical Education and Personal and Social Responsibility.  Please click on this attached file to open the Weekly Assignments Chart: Weekly Assignments Chart – April 6-9

The Weekly Assignments Chart looks like the one pictured here, but for clarity of image, I have attached it as a file.

At the start of each week, I will post a chart like the one above, with colour-coded categories and activities in each.  Every week, I will change or add to the activities, and as we get comfortable, I will add to the number of categories.  Your goal will be to do one activity from each category every day.  You get to choose which activities you will do each day.  Sometimes, the activities will be mandatory, in which case I will put them in italicsMandatory activities will be recorded (video, photo, or typed) and posted via Blogfolios by 3:00 every Friday.  This first week, though, we are just practicing, so none of the activities are italicized.  Think of the activities chart like a bingo card.  Every time you do an activity in a square, you can put an imaginary stamp on it, and try another activity the next day.  

As always, please let me know if you have questions or concerns: mairi.anderson@burnabyschools.ca

Have fun!  Talk to you soon! 

Ms. Anderson

3 thoughts on “April 6-9 – Introduction to Weekly Assignments and Team Meetings

  • Hi Ms. Anderson,
    Our webcam and microphone sets have not arrived.
    Will I still be able to see and type to participate in the video chat?

    Thank you,
    Diana and Mateo

    • Hi Mateo and Diana,
      Yes, you should still be able to see the videos of others and join in the conversation through typing. I hope that it will work for you today!
      Ms. Andreson

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