December 16-20

Tomorrow is the last day of school before Winter Break!  The Pancake Breakfast will begin at 9:00.  Students are invited to wear their pyjamas to stay extra cozy!

On Wednesday, the whole school gave a wonderful performance for the Festive Winter Assembly.  Division 2 sang Old Toy Trains, Christmas Tree Feud, and Candlelight Canon.  Amazing work, Glenwood!

Meal Planning in Math
Meal Planning in Math

In Math early in the week, students were asked to plan an imaginary feast for their family and friends, and we brainstormed all the different types of food they would want to serve, and assigned realistic prices for each item.  They were given an imaginary budget of $100 to buy all the ingredients they would need.  It was a flurry of addition, subtraction, and multiplication as they worked in pairs to prepare their menus.  After they succeeded with a $100 budget, we stretched it to $60.  The number of guests decreased a little, but the mission was the same.

I love to learn the students’ perspectives on how they want the class to be, so I asked them to help me re-design our classroom space.  Again, they worked in pairs to conceptualize the layout of our updated classroom, like an architect or an interior designer would do.  They were asked to consider practicalities (such as accessibility to the white board) and preference (such as whether they would sit individually or in groups), as well as comfort.  They then had to argue their case with a half-page write up.  I will read these over the break and consider the changes we could make to our space.

Some of the finished Creature stuffies!

We have worked hard to try to tie together our loose project ends this week, like our ADST Creature stuffies, typing our stories, drawing and describing our Creature books for Science, completing our Consensus Guidebooks for Social Studies… but some may get taken home to complete over the break, while others will get saved until Term 2.

Report cards were sent home with students this afternoon.  Parents are asked to please read the reports, and sign and return the envelope they come in for January.

I am proud of Division 2’s growth and hard work this term, and I hope you all are too. I am looking forward to delving into more learning soon in the New Year!  Have a peaceful and happy Winter Break!

2 thoughts on “December 16-20

  • Yes Ms Anderson the Wednesday performance by the Glenwood students was great. Thank you for all the teachers , staff and students of Glenwood who organized the program so well. Learning Math and planning and organising was a good idea . Will surely try to practice with kids while grocery shopping.
    Thank you for all the effort you do and have a happy and prosperous Christmas and New year.

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