December 9-13

What a full week!

We went back to basics to practice computational fluency in Math, by playing simple card games to work on addition and subtraction skills.  The quick recall of addition facts needed in speed-based card games helps to solidify foundational math skills.  The game of “Battle” is played with two players, who each have a pile of cards to draw from, face down.  Both players flip their cards at the same time to reveal the number, and the first to add the sum of the two numbers wins the pair.  The game of “Go Fish for Tens” is like “Go Fish” but instead of equal pairs, players seek matches that when added together will make 10.   

We also connected our Math work to something relevant to our lives.  Students were asked to calculate how many class points we still need in order to reach the 500 to use as a class reward.  They worked independently and in groups to solve subtraction problems with our class points as data, and explain their strategies.

In Science, students worked diligently on their Creature booklets, making connections to the human body and explaining the components and functions of each of the four systems we have studied. 

We also had a very special opportunity to dissect owl pellets!  Although the pellets were a little icky, students were fascinated to find bones of mice or voles!  I heard many shouts of “I found a ball and socket joint!” or “Check out this jawbone!” or even “Look at the tibia!”  I am impressed with their ability to identify the different bones they found.

In Literacy, we spent a few blocks reflecting on our learning from the term.  We also tried out a storytelling game called “Person, Place, Problem” and had fun coming up with silly stories based off three random cards.  One group even illustrated theirs as they told it to the class.  I think this one involved a dentist, a boat in the middle of the ocean, and too much homework…

We had our last Restorative Justice session before Winter Break on Wednesday, and we worked hard to make very thoughtful thank you cards for Kaylie, the facilitator.

On Friday, we were so lucky to have the Holiday Market and Wreath Making, which was a popular spot!  Students were invited to assemble wreaths with spruce and holly boughs and to shop at the market.  Thank you to all the parents who put on this wonderful event!  

Next week is the last before the Winter Break.  The Festive Winter Assembly will be on Wednesday at 1:30.  The Festive Cheer Choir will visit Mulberry Home on Thursday morningFriday morning is the annual pancake breakfast and pyjama day.  All Library books are due at the latest by next Friday, so make sure your readers finish up their books and bring them back to school in time. 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend!   

4 thoughts on “December 9-13

    • Hi Briana, I am sorry I missed your comment until now. I heard you did visit the ASL Storytime! I’m glad you could go.

  • Wow looks like the week went with all the fun learning math and science. Learning with cards was a great idea and I think kids enjoyed that. Restorative justice was Very good to know about. Sonam shared all her conversation with kaylie. She felt it interesting. Thank you for organizing.

    Have a happy weekend and thank you for sharing Ms. Anderson

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