November 18-21

This week, we practiced many skills:

In French, we practiced pronouncing French letters and letter sounds, spelling out our vocabulary words to one another.

In Math, we tried out an Esti-Mystery challenge, to review skip counting/multiples, and our estimation skills.  We practiced rounding numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands, and made great efforts with some more challenging tasks from the Math Makes Sense textbooks.

In Writer’s Workshop, we were fortunate to have Ms. James guide us through a writing exercise on descriptive writing of setting.  We practiced by describing the sights, sounds and feelings of our bedrooms or ideal rooms, and then were challenged to write delightfully descriptive paragraphs about the settings in our stories.

We researched the provinces, territories and capital cities of Canada in Social Studies.  

In our Restorative Justice circle, we learned about conflict management styles.  It is important to be aware how we tend to respond to conflict, so that we can recognize what might need to be done in different situations.

In Art, we made a magnificent mess painting our collaborative landscape murals on large pieces of fabric! 

I hope you all enjoyed the Pro-D day today! 


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