October 28-November 1

We kicked off this week with some story work.  Drop Everything And Read was on Monday morning, (http://www.dropeverythingandread.com/nationaldearday.html) and our House Teams read up a storm.  We began a story workshop based off lived-experience stories we shared orally last week.  We will be work-shopping these stories over the next week or so.

In French, we mastered some clothing vocabulary, which we reviewed in a guessing game with the class.

We have mostly all finished documenting the digestive systems of our creatures!  Our creatures parallel the human body, but may have slightly different features… such as two heads, or extra-long fangs!

In Friday’s Math lesson, we began solving the problem of calculating how many calories and how much sugar is in a whole mixed bag of candy.  We worked on whiteboards and windows in small groups to practice visualizing our math, and explaining our thinking.    We got very close to finding the answer, but will pick it up on Monday.  Maybe you can figure it out at home… 🙂

All the candy from the bag
Math on the windows!
Nutritional information on the candies!









And how could I forget!  Our class pet arrived this week and is settling in.  Here is Gillbird Fish Fish Bleu Fisheous Aqua!  (The name is still being sorted out).  Thank you very much to those who have offered plants or decorations for his tank! 

Have a wonderful, restful weekend.  Don’t eat too much candy!

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