November 18-21

This week, we practiced many skills: In French, we practiced pronouncing French letters and letter sounds, spelling out our vocabulary words to one another. In Math, we tried out an Esti-Mystery challenge, to review skip counting/multiples, and our estimation skills.  We practiced rounding numbers to the nearest tens, hundreds, thousands, and ten thousands, and made […]

November 4-8

Hello families! This week we  continued work on our lived-experience stories, and learned about the value of using descriptive language to create imagery.  We practiced by describing a plain old soda cracker with as many adjectives and comparisons (similes and metaphors) as we could. The list that we created together was so impressive that I […]

October 28-November 1

We kicked off this week with some story work.  Drop Everything And Read was on Monday morning, ( and our House Teams read up a storm.  We began a story workshop based off lived-experience stories we shared orally last week.  We will be work-shopping these stories over the next week or so. In French, we […]