October 21-24

What a week!  Even though it was short due to the Pro-D day tomorrow, it was packed full.

We practiced French vocabulary for colours, body parts, and clothing.

We began a storytelling workshop, learned about some of the differences between oral and written stories, and mapped out stories of self.  It was fun to hear everyone’s special stories and the adventures we have been on.

We analysed the results of the federal election and learned some vocabulary of parliament (ie: majority and minority government, seat count, and popular vote).  This was incorporated into Math, working with numbers into the millions.

Can you spy any kids hiding in the trees during this game of Camouflage?

We enjoyed the fresh Fall weather for Take Me Outside Day on Wednesday.  Our time in the trees inspired some exquisite folded poetry collaborations.

We especially enjoyed the special guest presentation from Langley Centennial Museum titled Carnivores, Herbivores and Avians Oh My!  Ms. Schwarz from Division 3 arranged this “field trip” in our own school, and we certainly learned a lot!  This will help our understanding of the human skeleton, as the bones for all the animals we saw bear resemblances to those in humans.

Students wrote their first Blogfolio posts of the year today, although some are still experiencing troubles with logging in.  If your child’s post is not there, we will try our best to get it up next week.

Enjoy your Friday off from school while teachers are learning!  If you are interested in attending, this Saturday, October 26 will be Family Storytime in Sign Language and English at the the Tommy Douglas Library, from 2:00-3:00.  Mrs. Lee and I will be there! 🙂



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