September 16-19

Our second full week flew by, with exciting activities like our field trip to the Rivers Day School and the Terry Fox Run.

This week, we continued increasing patterns in Math, worked on a short writing project inspired by the book The Best Part of Me, and delved deeper into our understanding of learning profiles and the importance of diversity.

A huge thank you is due to all our volunteer drivers for Wednesday’s field trip.  We appreciate you sharing your time and energy to make sure we could take part.  At the Rivers Day School, we took a ride on a paddle wheeler; we  visited the Fraser River Discovery Centre to learn about sturgeon who swim at the bottom of the river,  how Coast Salish people traditionally dried salmon and sharpened slate, and tested the pH level of the river water; and we were guided through Anvil Centre museum to learn about the history of the area.

It was wonderful to meet parents on Thursday afternoon!  I enjoyed meeting all of you, and look forward to meeting those who weren’t able to attend in the coming weeks.

I hope you enjoyed the Pro-D day off school this Friday!

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