First Full Week

This week in Division 2, we had lots of fun doing a range of activities. We reviewed what we need to respect ourselves, others and our classroom, by making our class rules. We filled out our Class Brain and  (almost) finished a collaborative weaving project.  Our Class Brain highlights our individual strengths, and what skills […]

Division 2 – Term 1 Plan

  Subjects Term 1 Grade 5 Math Big Ideas: Identified regularities in number patterns can be expressed in tables. Patterns and Equations: -rules for increasing and decreasing patterns with words, numbers, symbols, and variables Whole Numbers to 1 000 000: -counting: multiples, flexible counting strategies, whole number benchmarks -numbers to 1 000 000 can be […]

Welcome Back to School!

Welcome to Division 2’s class website. Here you can learn about our weekly schedule, term plans, and electronic copies of classroom notices (although daily homework will be communicated through student agendas, which parents are requested to read and sign). I will update the website throughout the school year to share information on both upcoming and […]